How to Make Sayur Asem

How to make Sayur Asem
Ingredients     :
- 5 pieces string beans
- 100 gram peanut
- 2 pieces of corn
- 3 cm lengkuas
- Chili to taste

Spices that are for Javanese Sayur Asem :
10 grains of red onion
5 cloves of garlic
7 grains of kemiri/hazelnut
½ tablespoon of Javanese tamarind
2 teaspoon of brown sugar
1 teaspoon of terasi
Salt to taste

How to make :
Boil Water
Red onion, onion, kemiri/hazelnut, chili,terasi, salt everything be mashed.
After that wash string beans, peanut and corn until clean.
Put the vegetables into boiling water.
The last step, put javanese tamarind and sugar, ustir briefly and finished.

Good Luck
